Tracy’s first ever multiple fucking

Tracy is 23 and recently divorced after an acrimonious marriage which only lasted 18 months. Sean had turned out to be, not only, a drunk but had used cannabis and crack ******* often and was abusive and occasionally violent to her, hitting her on numerous occasions. He is currently in prison for two years after crashing their car and damaging someone’s property whilst under the influence of drink and drugs. Not for the first time, hence the jail sentence. Tracy had left him over a year ago and the divorce went through just last month. Tracy now lives in a two-bedroom flat in a block of flats… Читати далі

Автор публікації stuartmahoney 1 місяць тому 2


My most amazing experience happened last year while on vacation in Cozumel, Mexico. I had lodging at a Five Star Hotel right on the beach. After settling into my room, I decided to take a walk around the area just to see what the area was like close to the hotel, that is restaurants, bars and sights in general. I decided to take a stroll along the beach to see if anything interesting was happening. After a short time I spotted this young lady laying on her stomach on a beach towel. She looked to be between 30 to 40 years of age, but you could tell she had taken good care of herself as she had… Читати далі

Автор публікації 111740 2 роки(-ів) тому 2

The submissive. By Sally.

[French version below] It's tonight. In front of my screen, unable to work. I think about what lies ahead. No news yet. It's already 3pm. This silent waiting is increasing the pressure. I've already got a half boner, brought on by this confused mixture of fear and excitement. We've been talking about this for months. She had me fill in a very detailed questionnaire, and asked me a lot of questions, the level of precision of which impressed me. But it also reassured me. She leaves nothing to chance, so it's impossible for something to happen that I wouldn't have agreed to. But it's not her I'm… Читати далі

Автор публікації Black_Kiss 2 місяці(-в) тому

Squirting in a Paris porn theatre :)

Цю публікацію можуть переглядати лише друзі AdoreBeingWatched
Автор публікації AdoreBeingWatched 4 місяці(-в) тому


After that first night in the office, Rose came back for more. She showed up the following weekend at the coffee house, alone. I took my 10 min. break, and we went out back to have a smoke. At least a few hits anyway, as we spent about 8.5 min kissing in the back parking lot. We went back inside and I got her a drink. God, she looked so delicious in those Frankie B. Jeans. She had no bra on and I could see her Hershey Kiss nipples under her white Tee shirt. They were hard from the cold, and her skin was rippled with gooseflesh. She followed my gaze and asked in her little girl voice, "See a… Читати далі

Автор публікації squirtalott 11 роки(-ів) тому 5


A smirk, a flick of the hair, a defiant look with an akimbo stance. Whether it’s a raised voice, a direction not followed correctly or in a timely manner. All these belligerent bratty overtures directed my way earn you a strike upon an ass... properly presented upon my command. Test me... Stinging slap to be followed by a loud sweet smack. Every incident, a blow up your ass cheeks. Every palm placed with ferocity to put you in your place. Your hips upon my knees, ass facing up at me, hard cock pressed against your stomac… Читати далі

Автор публікації ricardoan 3 роки(-ів) тому

Plantation Wife becomes a Black Cock Whore Pt 4

My young and lovely wife has truly taken to her new role. She's become addicted to servicing those Big Black Nigger Cocks! I think far into the future and wonder if in a few hundred years it will be commonplace for white women to be fucking and sucking Big Black Nigger Cocks? Amanda looks so natural sucking and fucking them. The black skin of those Niggers is in such stark contrast to her pale white flesh. And seeing Big Black Nigger Cocks stretching her pink pussy lips and seeing her mouth wrapped around a massive Nigger Cock is a sight to behold! Amanda… Читати далі

Автор публікації ned39 7 роки(-ів) тому 6

Husbands cuckold fantasy about sexy slutwife Jenna

Husbands fantasy: turn your slutwife into a BBC whore! I am a husband that has been married to the same woman whom I love very much for over 25 years. However, I like many husbands have this recurring fantasy to watch my wife being fucked by another man and to watch her climax with wild abandonment. There is nothing I can imagine as thrilling than to watch your wife being fucked by another man or men, unless however if that person happens to be a hung, Black or Hispanic. My wife is a very attractive woman 54 yrs young that stands 5’6″ with green eyes, frosted blond hair, 36B breasts and ni… Читати далі

Автор публікації Dormir06 2 роки(-ів) тому 22

Fucked in the ass

The first time I was fucked in the ass. We were in the missionary position. He was hammering me with his 5 inch cock and I was feeling nothing. I had been banging myself all week with my big dildo so I was a little stretched out. I pulled my legs back with my hands and spread myself open as far as I could. Then I looked at this huge man on top of me and told him to fuck my ass now. He didn’t hesitate a moment. His cock slid out of my loose pussy. And pressed against my puckered asshole. I felt him start to enter me and it hurt some. So I began rubbing my now flowing wet pussy with three finger… Читати далі

Автор публікації excitedfarmer 4 роки(-ів) тому 42


2 When we went into the building, it occurred to me that any one of his neighbors that saw us on the stairs or in the hallway would know what we were doing. I couldn’t help imagining what they would think of me, a white woman going into a younger black man’s apartment at this hour. I could almost hear their tongues clucking as they tsk-tsked about the brazen little strumpet that Harold Price had picked up. It excited me to the point where I hoped someone would come out of their doors and see us. I wanted to feel like some sort of wicked harlot flaunting my promiscuous non-conformity in… Читати далі

Автор публікації patsygirl 11 місяці(-в) тому 6


My beautiful pet earned another discipline yesterday. My dear friend, beautiful lady who knows how to punish naughty ladies, suggest me how to discipline my pet, and to teach her who is in charge. This all post is dedicated to this lady. Down there is the text to a dear friend sent to her e-mail: OK, here we are. Let me describe how was it. But first, mom say thanks to you, say she is very grateful for her whipped and sore pussy, and she love you so much (I don t think she is sincere, I can bet she hates you so much :) ). Discipline was divided into 2 parts: PART 1: She lied down on he… Читати далі

Автор публікації SM-Mfucker 13 роки(-ів) тому 2


57 Followers I am a 35 year-old mother of two teenage boys. I am 5’2” tall, with auburn hair, green eyes and I weigh 108 pounds. I am 34c with large areolas and large nipples. My husband is a computer network specialist who contracts with several large business technology companies and is away from home from time to time. We have an average sex life and I have had only three men before I met my husband Tom. Tom was leaving on a trip to Seattle during the Thanksgiving holidays to see a business client and to spend a few days with his Mom and sister. He asked all of us to go with him, but… Читати далі

Автор публікації orhans 10 місяці(-в) тому 12

Unerwarteter Vierer

Endlich Feierabend bei der Hitze, es hatte wieder über 30 Grad. Ich mache mich auf den Weg zum kleinen Badesee. Dort angekommen riss ich mir die Klamotten vom Leib und sprang ins kühle Nass. Ich schwamm ein paar Runden und ging dann zurück an meinen Platz. In der Eile mich abzukühlen hatte ich das Pärchen das auch nackt die Sonne genoß überhaupt nicht bemerkt. Sie waren so Mitte 40 und auch mit sich beschäftigt. Ich beobachtete die beiden, wie sie seinen Schwanz wichste, als ich plötzlich ein freudiges „hallo“ vernahm. Ich hatte gar nicht bemerkt, dass die Kleine, die ich mit ihrem Freund vor… Читати далі

Автор публікації nurficken2017 4 місяці(-в) тому 4

Buße am Kreuz

Netzfund Es war einer dieser lauen Sommerabende, an welchen man dem Lied der zirpenden Grillen entspannt lauschen konnte. Der Schweif der untergehenden Sonne sorgte nur noch für einen leichten Schimmer rötlichen Lichts, der durch das geöffnete Fenster auf Marias Bett fiel. Die junge Frau hatte sich, wie immer in dieser warmen Jahreszeit, nur mit einem dünnen Laken zugedeckt. Das blonde, gelockte Haar bettete sich auf das weiche Kopfkissen und die Augen waren geschlossen. Mit einem Lächeln auf den Lippen ließ sie ihren Gedanken und Händen freien Lauf, sodass letztere kurze Zeit später das Nacht… Читати далі

Автор публікації 63andi63 1 рік тому 5

Island Justice - 1

We were a nervous trio, Erin, Allison and I, who sat lost in our own thoughts as we saw the lights of St Johns through the window of the Air Carribean prop jet as it approached the island. Erin and Allison had decided to come back to try and help their friend Susan avoid a three year jail term for selling d**gs. She hadn't really sold any d**gs, it was just presumed that with a little under 3 oz. in her possession, that it was for the purpose of sale. However, with Erin and Allison willing to testify that one third of the stash had been theirs, and abandonned, the charge would be at most, simp… Читати далі

Автор публікації birch4fem 2 роки(-ів) тому 7

Nina & Tom 1

Nina & Tom 1 Ein Bericht von einer jungen Polizistin und ihren Wandel zu einer Schmerz geilen Tierhure. Nach eigenen Angaben von Nina K. Im Stall in dem ich, Nina, mein ***** stehen habe, hat sich etwas verändert. Gerd und Christine haben ihren Stall verkauft. Die neuen Besitzer waren eine Frau namens Sabine mit ihrer Lebensgefährtin und wie wir erfuhren, Herrin Susanne und da war noch Sabines Tochter Silke. Als sie den Hof übernommen hatten, gab es spontan einen Grillabend wozu auch alle Einsteller eingeladen waren. Sabine wurde gefragt, ob sie über Gerd und Christine Bescheid wissen un… Читати далі

Автор публікації smpaarOH 4 місяці(-в) тому

First time without hubby being present!!!

First time without hubby there (quite scary but exciting, plus a wonderful Christmas party!!) Now I have written about this adventure only a couple of years ago but it was deleted along with 70% of all my other photos and videos for some reason (no one can give me a reason why?) Anyway I’ll try again to recall every detail to the best of my memory. It was Christmas 2018 and it was the party season, lots of work parties etc. Our company much like any other has its Christmas party. Ours was at a local hotel in the small town (which is more like a large village than a town to be honest) which… Читати далі

Автор публікації Mrs-sk8rdude 2 роки(-ів) тому 22

My Wife Watches me Fucking our Friends Husband

When I'm writing about our sexual adventures, sometimes my sexual arousal bought on by the memory over-runs my writing skills and it reads a bit messy - this is a tidied up version. If you've read it before, no need to re-read, it's the same story of when my wife arranged with her friend for me to fuck her husband to quench his repressed homosexual desires - sort of like releasing the pressure valve. Our friends Simon and Lan dropped by at our house earlier in the afternoon. By the time I arrived home, Lan had already left to attend a dinner with some former friends from school. Thuy and Simo… Читати далі

Автор публікації sxstory5 2 роки(-ів) тому 77

A Cuckold Wife's View

Hi there. My husband asked me to write a short piece regarding what's turns me on about being a chucking hotwife. I'm not a good writer, but I'll try my best. First of all, I absolutely love being the wife of a cuckold. I love everything about it. The idea that I can fuck who I want, when I want, and where, I want...and my husband would be 100 percent faithful is like having my cake and eating it too! God bless whoever thought of this. That being said, I may have a lot of things that maybe aren't so erotic to you, but are things I absolutely love. I love the idea that I can flirt as freely as… Читати далі

Автор публікації paulb4fun 9 роки(-ів) тому 137

Aunt caught me stroking my cock

I was a young teen and both my parents worked so I used to go home after school and be alone for a couple of hours till mummy got home. When I was about 14 I had a friend who used to bring old porn mags to school. Titles like Escort Razzle and Knave which were mostly Readers wives and letters. He said he found them in his dads garage and there were so many he wouldn't notice they were missing. Sometimes he would bring in stronger mags like Lovebirds Playbirds or Whitehouse which not only showed pussy but also had hard cock photos too. One day he bought one in that got me really horny and he s… Читати далі

Автор публікації HeadmasterE4 10 місяці(-в) тому 13

A confession from the past - Part 2

So... what happened after the long shower of Nicole and her babysitter (me lol)? Well... actually a couple of cute girly hours chilling in a beautiful suite in our hotel robes (or less), drying off, sorting hair and make up, chatting and sipping champagne... pretty fancy looking back at it! Of course, some of the chat was about sex, boyfriends and such, and there were one or two wandering hands again, but otherwise it was a pretty chilled hour or two together. Finally, Nicole received a call from Jack saying he’d finished work and would be heading over, she gave him the room number and all o… Читати далі

Автор публікації Xchloe69x 3 роки(-ів) тому 20

Blacked Out: Newly Divorced

Tracey It was done, my husband and my divorce had finalised and I was no longer married. After 10 years of marriage, we had decided to call it quits. There were no bad feelings, we just no longer loved each other. After so long it became more of a friendship, I couldn't tell you the last time we actually had sex! So now, I was single again for the first time in a long time and I was ready to let my hair down! My friend Shannon was taking me out this weekend and I was going to see how I handled myself now being single. Friday night "Wow you look hot!" Shannon said to me when I walked into… Читати далі

Автор публікації hondo1906 1 рік тому 1

The wrong door?

"Aww, fuck..." I groaned. I let my head loll back, and then rotated it in a full circle to mimic the circular motion Christina's tongue was making on the mushroom head of my cock. And when she dropped her head, her mouth forming a tight ring around me and lowering down the shaft, my head snapped back up to watch. Her jet-black hair was in a functional ponytail, and she was still wearing her sexy- librarian glasses. She glanced up into my face while she slurped on my dick, small flames dancing in her irises at the wide smile across my face. "Baby, you are so good at that," I mumbled to her. I t… Читати далі

Автор публікації AlexanderVonHeron 2 роки(-ів) тому 7

317 – Abby The Nanny Part 2

Abby carried on gently rubbing my cock with no real purpose other than feeling the hardness of the veiny shaft but she seemed content and I did t want to push her too far too quick and the fact that she didn’t seem to mind me fiddling between her legs feeling the softness of her bikini bottoms getting moist was a good sign.. “This is nice Mikie, you’ve already lasted longer than I remember the boy at school did, I like it” she said coyly with a faint giggle, it was pleasant enough, different but pleasant.. “As you get older you learn to control it better Abby.. I won’t mind if you want to try… Читати далі

Автор публікації britguy 7 місяці(-в) тому 3

Hockey Buddy and His Wife - Part 5

After our hockey game I drove behind Pete to his house. We entered the house at the same time. As usual, his wife Katie was there and ready for fun and games. Katie was wearing a thin robe and sheepskin slippers. “I've been waiting for you boys.” she said. I kissed Katie and said, “Wow you look beautiful.” Katie smiled and said, “And I'm not even naked yet!” We kissed for a minute or two then I sat down in a kitchen chair and pulled her to me. Katie's tits are big and pillowy with just a little sag. Just the way I like-em. I put my arms around her waist and opened her robe so I could suck on… Читати далі

Автор публікації MassMan669 10 місяці(-в) тому

cuckold test

Danny drained the remnants of his beer from the bottle, his eyes and thoughts on the attractive blonde stood at the beach bar a few yards away. A sudden breeze opened her wrap around skirt briefly allowing him to get a flash of tanned thigh and panties. There were others sat around tables as the evening sunset began to take hold but no one else seemed to notice the sudden flash of naked flesh. The barman who was serving her didn’t get a look either; it was difficult from his vantage point anyway. Danny had no doubt though that he would have liked to have seen what he had seen; he knew the lo… Читати далі

Автор публікації asinglecuckold 3 роки(-ів) тому 36

First a shy wife, now she is a horny slut Part 1

I think I'm a typical married guy. My wife and I would have sex maybe once a week if I was lucky and hadn't done something to cause her to withhold sex. She was strictly missionary or maybe if she was really randy cowgirl. But all that changed with an accidental cum blast. My wife, Kathy, would have sex but when she didn't feel like ( a lot of the time), she would give me a hand job or if I been real good a blow job, but never finish in her mouth and forget about swallowing. One night, I had persuaded her to whack me off and I was enjoying the motion of her soft hand sliding up and… Читати далі

Автор публікації Hannah100000 8 місяці(-в) тому 3